Hey there!
If you’re reading this, welcome! My blog is just a small one in a vast sea of book reviewers. Thank you for taking the time to drop by! Happy to have you here.
For years now, it has been my dream to have my own book review blog. I used to participate in one many years ago, but life got in the way and that fizzled out. Attempts were made to resurrect that old blog, but trying to build something on someone else’s foundation was off-putting. Finally, I decided it would be best to start from scratch. Build my own dream blog, one small step at a time.
Now, about me:
Who am I? That’s an excellent question. As someone who would like to have some semblance of anonymity, it’s hard to answer. I’m a voracious reader. I studied literature and love to analyze it. I love to discuss what I read with people.
My favorite authors, in no particular order, are: Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, and Jeaniene Frost. I adore their writing and have read some of their novels and stories multiple times.
Some of my favorite genres are fantasy, romance, paranormal romance, adventure, horror, and I’m trying to explore ergodic literature. Nevertheless, I do like to read a variety of genres, and do not limit myself to these exclusively. I’ve also been meaning to get more into poetry, philosophy, and astronomy.
You may be wondering why I chose The Librarian as a handle/nickname. Well, because even though its super cheesy, this is an exploration of my own personal library. Mind, not in full, I don’t think I could write a review for every single book I own, but I’ll try to get close to that.
While my current focus is book reviews, I hope to eventually branch out and write essays too. I’ve been feeling rather rusty in the analysis and comparison department. As I am only one person behind all this, I don’t expect to upload an incredible amount of content immediately. That being said, I hope you’ll stick around and grow alongside me.
So, grab a cup of tea, or your favorite drink, relax, and feel free to explore. Cheers!
Image courtesy of rawkkim on Unsplash
Title image courtesy of Darwin Vegher on Unsplash